Introducing Miss February: Ramoth Edenflower

Name:  Ramoth Edenflower
Age:  51 days
Position:  Hostess

We caught up with Ramoth at the club and asked her a few questions.  Here's what she had to say...

How long have you been in SL? 
"About two months.  Since January 4th."

What is your favorite aspect of the SL virtual world?
"Meeting new people from different places."


How long have you been on the WiLDKaTZ team?
"About two weeks."

What do you like most about hosting at WiLDKaTZ?
"All the great people that come here.  Everyone I've met has been so kind."

WiLDKaTZ is all about the music, so who's your favorite band?
"Either AC/DC or Kansas."

So all the guys are dying to know... single or taken?
"Single. :)"

Describe yourself for us in 3 words.
"Curious About Everything."

What is the funniest thing that has happened in your SL so far?
"Umm... I once walked through a big group of people and when I got to the other side I realized I wasn't wearing a shirt.  LOL  I had a bra on but...  LOL"

 What are your turn ons?  Turn offs?
"Turns ons... kindness mostly.  Turn offs... rude people.  They just make me so mad."

If there is one thing you could tell the WiLDKaTZ Rockers about yourself, what would it be?
"I love to talk.  I could talk your ear off if you gave me a chance.  LOL"

You can meet Ramoth yourself at WiLDKaTZ Rock Club in SL.