Woohooo First Post!!

Okay so this is going to be a totally boring first post, but I wanted to put something here, because blank is so uncool.

First things first..
"What is this WiLDKaTZ of which you speak, andii?"

Well, Dear Reader, WiLDKaTZ is only THE Hottest Urban Rock Club in all of Second Life. If you don't have Second Life, download it now here.
"What makes it 'THE Hottest' andii?"

Good Question!!

Let's start with the atmosphere... Designed by our very own Hanglow Short, WiLDKaTZ Rock Club is truly one of a kind. Surrounded by tall buildings housing our mall stores, the dancefloor is a vacant city lot complete with chain link fence, barbed wire, and a dumpster DJ booth! You really have to see it to believe it!

Then there is the music! We count some of the BEST SL DJ's among our staff and we aim to ROCK YOU! Rock, metal, alternative, industrial, ska, punk, grunge... you name it we got it! (Unless you request country, then you're just shit outta luck, sorry). We also host live music performances as well as Second Life tribute band concerts. And, we have WiLDKaTZ Radio streaming at the club 24/7, so no matter when you feel like partying, you'll always be able to rock at WiLDKaTZ!

Next let me tell you about our daily themed contests and special events! We offer cash prizes, often with split pots giving you a better chance to walk away a winner! Our friendly hosts are here to take care of you and keep the party going and we also have sexy dancers to entertain you! Special events sponsored by our mall vendors often include prizes such as gift cards or merchandise. You can find our events listed on the event board at the club, on the Second Life event calendar and eventually right here on our blog!

Speaking of our mall merchants.... we have some of the best names in Second Life! Shopping at WiLDKaTZ is easy, convenient and fun! All our shops are visible from the dancefloor, meaning you can shop and party at the SAME TIME! We invite you to wander around the mall before and after the events to check out what's new and don't worry, you can still hear the kick ass music in every store! Everything from sexy clothes to vehicles to neko tails can be found at WiLDKaTZ Mall! Drop by and visit!

So there you have it folks! If you're still not convinced that WiLDKaTZ is THE Hottest Urban Rock Club and Mall in SL, then I personally invite you to come out and see for yourself!


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